Package de.jaret.util.ui.table.renderer

This package contains renderers for the jaret table.


Interface Summary
IBorderConfiguration Interface describing a border to be rendered around a cell.
ICellRenderer Interface for a cell renderer for a jaret table.
ICellStyle Interface describing the style of a cell.
ICellStyleListener Interface for a listener listening on style changes.
ICellStyleProvider Interface for a cell style supplier.
IHierarchyRenderer Interface specifying extensions to the ICellRenderer interface necessary for hierarchy handling.
IStyleStrategy Interface for a strategy that can be added to a cell style provider to determine styles on the fly based on the content of the element (such as coloring the background of even rows).
ITableHeaderRenderer Interface describing a header renderer for the jaret table.

Class Summary
BarCellRenderer CellRenderer rendering bar according to the cell value that is expected to be of type Integer.
BooleanCellRenderer CellRenderer rendering a Boolean to a checkbox image (default) or any other two images.
CellRendererBase Base implementation for cell renderers that support both screen and printer rendering.
ClassImageRenderer CellRenderer rendering images corresponding to the class of the value.
DateCellRenderer Cell renderer for a date.
DefaultBorderConfiguration Default implementation of a BorderConfiguration.
DefaultCellStyle Default implementation of ICellStyle.
DefaultCellStyleProvider A Default implementation of a CellStyleProvider.
DefaultTableHeaderRenderer Default header renderer for the jaret table.
DoubleCellRenderer CellRenderer for double values.
ImageCellRenderer CellRenderer rendering an image.
LabelProviderRenderer Cell renderer rendering an object using an ILabelProvider (uses text only).
ObjectImageRenderer CellRenderer rendering object instances (i.e. enums) to images.
RendererBase Base implementation for renderers that support both screen and printer rendering.
SmileyCellRenderer Fun renderer rendering an integer as a smiley.
TableHierarchyRenderer A renderer for rendering the hierarchy (as a tree) of a hierarchical tree model.
TextCellRenderer TextCellRenderer for the jaret table.

Enum Summary
DefaultTableHeaderRenderer.Alignment Alignment enumeration.

Package de.jaret.util.ui.table.renderer Description

This package contains renderers for the jaret table.

The renderers should support printing (but need not). See the interface for details.

It is quite useful to extend RendererBase since it contains some useful methods to support printing (scaling from screen to printer resolution) and for border painting (see below).

Border painting: CellRenderes are responsible for painting their borders. The clipping rect will always be one pixel wider and one pixel higher tha the drawing area, thus allowing to paint a complete border with widht 1. However, if the border becomes thicker the cell renderer has to use the space of the cell. Most probably it is the best to use the method for borer painting supplied by RendererBase.

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