Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


Files Infos Infos Warnings Warnings Errors Errors
10 82 12 0


Rules Violations Severity
  • scope: "public"
5 Warnings Warning
JavadocType 0 Warnings Warning
  • scope: "protected"
10 Warnings Warning
JavadocVariable 10 Infos Info
  • scope: "public"
0 Errors Error
JavadocStyle 0 Warnings Warning
ConstantName 0 Warnings Warning
LocalFinalVariableName 0 Warnings Warning
LocalVariableName 0 Warnings Warning
  • applyToPublic: "false"
  • format: "^_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"
9 Warnings Warning
MethodName 0 Warnings Warning
PackageName 0 Warnings Warning
ParameterName 0 Warnings Warning
StaticVariableName 2 Warnings Warning
TypeName 0 Warnings Warning
  • ignoreLines: "2, 3"
  • headerFile: "../de.jaret.infrastructure/jaret_header.txt"
0 Warnings Warning
AvoidStarImport 0 Warnings Warning
IllegalImport 0 Warnings Warning
RedundantImport 0 Warnings Warning
UnusedImports 0 Warnings Warning
  • max: "10000"
0 Warnings Warning
  • max: "160"
0 Warnings Warning
MethodLength 0 Warnings Warning
  • max: "10"
0 Warnings Warning
EmptyForIteratorPad 0 Warnings Warning
NoWhitespaceAfter 0 Warnings Warning
NoWhitespaceBefore 0 Warnings Warning
OperatorWrap 0 Warnings Warning
ParenPad 0 Warnings Warning
TypecastParenPad 0 Warnings Warning
TabCharacter 0  Ignore
WhitespaceAfter 0 Warnings Warning
ModifierOrder 0 Warnings Warning
RedundantModifier 0 Warnings Warning
AvoidNestedBlocks 0 Warnings Warning
EmptyBlock 1 Warnings Warning
LeftCurly 0 Warnings Warning
NeedBraces 0 Warnings Warning
RightCurly 0 Warnings Warning
DoubleCheckedLocking 0 Warnings Warning
EmptyStatement 0 Warnings Warning
EqualsHashCode 0 Warnings Warning
HiddenField 2 Infos Info
IllegalInstantiation 0 Warnings Warning
InnerAssignment 0 Warnings Warning
MagicNumber 65 Infos Info
MissingSwitchDefault 0 Warnings Warning
RedundantThrows 0 Warnings Warning
SimplifyBooleanExpression 0 Warnings Warning
SimplifyBooleanReturn 0 Warnings Warning
ArrayTypeStyle 0 Warnings Warning
TodoComment 0 Warnings Warning
UpperEll 0 Warnings Warning
JavadocMethod 5 Infos Info
PackageHtml 0 Warnings Warning
NewlineAtEndOfFile 0 Warnings Warning
Translation 0 Warnings Warning



Violation Message Line
Infos '32' is a magic number. 236
Infos '3' is a magic number. 345
Infos '3' is a magic number. 365
Warnings Must have at least one statement. 684


Violation Message Line
Warnings Name '_dateFormatSymbols' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 77
Warnings Name '_calendar' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 80
Infos '3' is a magic number. 179
Infos '7' is a magic number. 342
Infos '-7' is a magic number. 351
Infos '3' is a magic number. 415
Infos '3' is a magic number. 449
Infos '3' is a magic number. 457
Infos '200' is a magic number. 571
Infos '150' is a magic number. 571
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 574
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 579
Warnings Name 'width' must match pattern '^_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 579
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 581
Warnings Name 'height' must match pattern '^_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 581
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 583
Warnings Name 'columnWidth' must match pattern '^_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 583
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 585
Warnings Name 'rowHeight' must match pattern '^_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 585
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 587
Warnings Name 'posOfFirstInMonth' must match pattern '^_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 587
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 589
Warnings Name 'daysInMonth' must match pattern '^_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 589
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 591
Warnings Name 'day' must match pattern '^_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 591
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 593
Warnings Name 'month' must match pattern '^_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 593
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 595
Warnings Name 'weekColumnWidth' must match pattern '^_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 595
Infos '8' is a magic number. 620
Infos '7' is a magic number. 621
Infos '7' is a magic number. 622
Infos '0.9' is a magic number. 649
Infos '8' is a magic number. 668
Infos '6' is a magic number. 680
Infos '6' is a magic number. 685
Infos '7' is a magic number. 687
Infos '6' is a magic number. 717
Infos '0.2' is a magic number. 719
Infos 'day' hides a field. 764
Infos '7' is a magic number. 764
Infos 'day' hides a field. 783
Infos '7' is a magic number. 783
Infos '7' is a magic number. 810


Violation Message Line
Infos '5' is a magic number. 60


Violation Message Line
Infos '32' is a magic number. 170
Infos '127' is a magic number. 170
Infos '32' is a magic number. 182
Infos '3' is a magic number. 210
Infos '3' is a magic number. 255
Infos '3' is a magic number. 302
Infos '3' is a magic number. 312
Infos '3' is a magic number. 596


Violation Message Line
Infos '3' is a magic number. 98
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 263
Infos '3' is a magic number. 273
Infos '12' is a magic number. 273
Infos '3' is a magic number. 283
Infos '12' is a magic number. 284
Infos '12' is a magic number. 300
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 317
Infos '12' is a magic number. 322
Infos '12' is a magic number. 327
Infos '12' is a magic number. 327
Infos '60' is a magic number. 332
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 339
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 347
Infos '5' is a magic number. 349
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 353
Infos '12' is a magic number. 356
Infos '12' is a magic number. 356
Infos '12' is a magic number. 389
Infos '12' is a magic number. 390
Infos '12' is a magic number. 394
Infos '12' is a magic number. 395
Infos '12' is a magic number. 400
Infos '12' is a magic number. 400
Infos '5' is a magic number. 405
Infos '5' is a magic number. 430
Infos '59' is a magic number. 436
Infos '5' is a magic number. 437
Infos '55' is a magic number. 438
Infos '55' is a magic number. 438
Infos '23' is a magic number. 461
Infos '23' is a magic number. 463
Infos '23' is a magic number. 463
Infos '12' is a magic number. 478
Infos '12' is a magic number. 479
Infos '12' is a magic number. 483
Infos '12' is a magic number. 484