Uses of Interface

Packages that use IColumn
de.jaret.util.ui.table This package contains a flexible custom drawn table widget. 
de.jaret.util.ui.table.editor This package contains cell editors for the jaret table. 
de.jaret.util.ui.table.filter This package contains the row filtering support for the jaret table. 
de.jaret.util.ui.table.model This package contains the model and model listeners for the jaret table. 
de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.simple This package contains a very simple table model for instant usage. 
de.jaret.util.ui.table.renderer This package contains renderers for the jaret table. 
de.jaret.util.ui.table.util This package contains a utility classes to adapt the jaret table for better use with JFace and the workbench. 

Uses of IColumn in de.jaret.util.ui.table

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.table declared as IColumn
protected  IColumn JaretTable._focussedColumn
          column of the focussed cell or null.
 IColumn JaretTable.ColInfo.column
          column reference.

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.table with type parameters of type IColumn
protected  java.util.Map<IColumn,java.lang.Class<? extends IAutoFilter>> JaretTable._autoFilterColumnMap
          map containing teh autofiletr classes to use for specified columns.
protected  java.util.Map<IColumn,IAutoFilter> JaretTable._autoFilterMap
          map containing the actual instantiated autofilters for the different columns.
protected  java.util.Map<IColumn,ICellEditor> JaretTable._colCellEditorMap
          cell editor map for columns.
protected  java.util.Map<IColumn,ICellRenderer> JaretTable._colCellRendererMap
          cell renderer map for columns.
protected  java.util.List<IColumn> JaretTable._cols
          List of columns actually displayed.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.table that return IColumn
 IColumn JaretTable.colForX(int x)
          Retrieve the column corresponding to a x coordinate.
 IColumn JaretTable.getColumn(int idx)
          Retrieve column by the display idx.
 IColumn JaretTable.getColumn(java.lang.String id)
          Convenience method to retrieve a column by it's id from the model.
 IColumn JaretTable.getColumnForAbsX(int absX)
          Return the column for an absolute x coordinate.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.table with parameters of type IColumn
 void JaretTable.addColumn(IColumn column)
          Add a column to the underlying table model.
 void JaretTable.cellChanged(IRow row, IColumn column)
          The value of the specified cell changed.
 void JaretTable.cellStyleChanged(IRow row, IColumn column, ICellStyle style)
          Called whenever a cellstyle has been changed.
 void JaretTable.columnAdded(int idx, IColumn column)
          Called when a column has been added to the table model.
 void JaretTable.columnChanged(IColumn column)
          Called when a column changed.
 void JaretTable.columnRemoved(IColumn column)
          Called when a column has been removed from the model.
 void JaretTable.columnSelectionAdded(IColumn column)
          Called whenever a column has been added to a selection.
 void JaretTable.columnSelectionRemoved(IColumn column)
          Called whenever a column has been removed from the selection.
 void JaretTable.columnVisibilityChanged(IColumn column, boolean visible)
          Called when the visibility of a column changed.
 void JaretTable.columnWidthChanged(IColumn column, int newWidth)
          Column width changed.
 int JaretTable.getAbsBeginXForColumn(IColumn column)
          Get the absolute begin x for a column.
protected  java.lang.Class<? extends IAutoFilter> JaretTable.getAutoFilterClass(IColumn column)
          Get the autofiletr class to be used on a column. JaretTable.getCellBounds(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Get the bounding rectangle for a cell.
protected  ICellRenderer JaretTable.getCellRenderer(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Retrieve the cell renderer for a cell. JaretTable.getColumnBounds(IColumn column)
          Get the bounding rect for a column.
 boolean JaretTable.isDisplayed(IColumn column)
          Check whether a column is currently displayed.
 boolean JaretTable.isHierarchyColumn(IColumn column)
          Check whether a column is the hierarchy column.
 boolean JaretTable.isHierarchyColumn(IRow row, IColumn col)
          Determine whether the column is the hierrarchy column.
 boolean JaretTable.isSelected(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Convenience method to check whether a certain cell is selected.
 void JaretTable.registerAutoFilterForColumn(IColumn column, java.lang.Class<? extends IAutoFilter> autoFilterClass)
          Regsiter an autofilter implementing class for use with a specific column.
 void JaretTable.registerCellEditor(IColumn column, ICellEditor cellEditor)
          Register a cell editor for a column.
 void JaretTable.registerCellRenderer(IColumn column, ICellRenderer cellRenderer)
          Register a cell renderer for a column.
 void JaretTable.scrollToVisible(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Scroll the addressed cell so, that is it completely visible.
 void JaretTable.startEditing(IRow row, IColumn col, char typedKey)
          Start editing of a specified cell if it is editable.

Constructors in de.jaret.util.ui.table with parameters of type IColumn
JaretTable.ColInfo(IColumn columnIn, int xIn, int widthIn)
          Construct a col info instance.

Uses of IColumn in de.jaret.util.ui.table.editor

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.table.editor declared as IColumn
protected  IColumn CellEditorBase._column
          member storing the last requested column.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.table.editor with parameters of type IColumn
protected  java.lang.String TextCellEditor.convertValue(IRow row, IColumn column)
protected  int IntegerCellEditor.convertValue(IRow row, IColumn column)
protected  double DoubleCellEditor.convertValue(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Convert the value retrieved from the model.
 org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control TextCellEditor.getEditorControl(JaretTable table, IRow row, IColumn column, char typedKey)
          Provide the Control for editing the value at row/column.
 org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control ObjectComboEditor.getEditorControl(JaretTable table, IRow row, IColumn column, char typedKey)
          Provide the Control for editing the value at row/column.
 org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control IntegerCellEditor.getEditorControl(JaretTable table, IRow row, IColumn column, char typedKey)
          Provide the Control for editing the value at row/column.
 org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control ICellEditor.getEditorControl(JaretTable table, IRow row, IColumn column, char typedKey)
          Provide the Control for editing the value at row/column.
 org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control EnumComboEditor.getEditorControl(JaretTable table, IRow row, IColumn column, char typedKey)
          Provide the Control for editing the value at row/column.
 org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control DoubleCellEditor.getEditorControl(JaretTable table, IRow row, IColumn column, char typedKey)
          Provide the Control for editing the value at row/column.
 org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control DateCellEditor.getEditorControl(JaretTable table, IRow row, IColumn column, char typedKey)
          Provide the Control for editing the value at row/column.
 org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control CellEditorBase.getEditorControl(JaretTable table, IRow row, IColumn column, char typedKey)
          Provide the Control for editing the value at row/column.
 org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control BooleanCellEditor.getEditorControl(JaretTable table, IRow row, IColumn column, char typedKey)
          Provide the Control for editing the value at row/column.
 boolean ICellEditor.handleClick(JaretTable table, IRow row, IColumn column, drawingArea, int x, int y)
          Handle a click on the cell.
 boolean CellEditorBase.handleClick(JaretTable table, IRow row, IColumn column, drawingArea, int x, int y)
          Handle a click on the cell.
 boolean BooleanCellEditor.handleClick(JaretTable table, IRow row, IColumn column, drawingArea, int x, int y)
          Handle a click on the cell.
protected  void TextCellEditor.storeValue(IRow row, IColumn column)
protected  void IntegerCellEditor.storeValue(IRow row, IColumn column)
protected  void DoubleCellEditor.storeValue(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Store the value in the model.

Uses of IColumn in de.jaret.util.ui.table.filter

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.table.filter declared as IColumn
protected  IColumn AbstractAutoFilter._column
          column of the autofilter.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.table.filter with parameters of type IColumn
protected  java.util.Set<java.lang.String> AbstractAutoFilter.getColFilterStrings(IColumn col, int maxLength)
          Get all possible filter strings for the autofilter comboboxes.
 void IAutoFilter.setColumn(IColumn column)
          Tell the autofilter on which column it works.
 void AbstractAutoFilter.setColumn(IColumn column)
          Tell the autofilter on which column it works.

Uses of IColumn in de.jaret.util.ui.table.model

Classes in de.jaret.util.ui.table.model that implement IColumn
 class AbstractColumn
          Abstract base implemenation of an IColumn.
 class HierarchyColumn
          Dummy column for placement of the hierarchy.
 class IndexColumn
          A simple column displaying the row index.
 class PropCol
          Column implementation for the jaret table using reflection (getPropName, setPropName) to retrieve the column value.

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.table.model declared as IColumn
protected  IColumn JaretTableCellImpl._column
          the column.

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.table.model with type parameters of type IColumn
protected  java.util.Map<IColumn,DefaultTableViewState.ColumnConfiguration> DefaultTableViewState._colConfigurations
          map of column configurations.
protected  java.util.List<IColumn> StdHierarchicalTableModel._cols
          the list of columns.
protected  java.util.List<IColumn> DefaultJaretTableModel._cols
protected  java.util.List<IColumn> JaretTableSelectionImpl._columns
          selected columns.
protected  java.util.List<IColumn> DefaultTableViewState._sortedColumns
          the sorted list (for display) of columns.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.table.model that return IColumn
 IColumn JaretTableCellImpl.getColumn()
 IColumn IJaretTableCell.getColumn()
          Retrieve the column.
 IColumn StdHierarchicalTableModel.getColumn(int idx)
          Retrieve a column specified by it's index.
 IColumn IJaretTableModel.getColumn(int idx)
          Retrieve a column specified by it's index.
 IColumn DefaultJaretTableModel.getColumn(int idx)
          Retrieve a column specified by it's index.
 IColumn IJaretTableModel.getColumn(java.lang.String id)
          Retrieve a column specified by it's id.
 IColumn DefaultJaretTableModel.getColumn(java.lang.String id)
          Retrieve a column by it's ID.
 IColumn AbstractJaretTableModel.getColumn(java.lang.String id)
          Retrieve a column specified by it's id.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.table.model that return types with arguments of type IColumn
 java.util.List<IColumn> JaretTableSelectionImpl.getSelectedColumns()
          Retrieve selected Columns.
 java.util.List<IColumn> IJaretTableSelection.getSelectedColumns()
          Retrieve selected Columns.
 java.util.List<IColumn> ITableViewState.getSortedColumns()
          Retrieve the list of columns in their display order.
 java.util.List<IColumn> DefaultTableViewState.getSortedColumns()
          Retrieve the list of columns in their display order.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.table.model with parameters of type IColumn
 void StdHierarchicalTableModel.addColumn(IColumn column)
          Add a column to the list of columns.
 void JaretTableSelectionImpl.addColumn(IColumn column)
          Add a acolumn to the selection.
 void IJaretTableSelection.addColumn(IColumn column)
          Add a acolumn to the selection.
 void IJaretTableModel.addColumn(IColumn column)
          Add a column.
 void DefaultJaretTableModel.addColumn(IColumn column)
          Add a column to the model.
 void JaretTableSelectionModelImpl.addSelectedColumn(IColumn column)
          Add a column to the selection.
 void IJaretTableSelectionModel.addSelectedColumn(IColumn column)
          Add a column to the selection.
 void IJaretTableModelListener.cellChanged(IRow row, IColumn column)
          The value of the specified cell changed.
 void ITableViewStateListener.cellStyleChanged(IRow row, IColumn column, ICellStyle cellStyle)
          Called whenever a cellstyle has been changed.
 void DefaultTableViewState.cellStyleChanged(IRow row, IColumn column, ICellStyle style)
          Will be called whenever a style changed.
 void IJaretTableModelListener.columnAdded(int idx, IColumn column)
          Called when a column has been added to the table model.
 void IJaretTableModelListener.columnChanged(IColumn column)
          Called when a column changed.
 void IJaretTableModelListener.columnRemoved(IColumn column)
          Called when a column has been removed from the model.
 boolean ITableViewState.columnResizingAllowed(IColumn column)
          Check whether resizing of a column is allowed.
 boolean DefaultTableViewState.columnResizingAllowed(IColumn column)
          Check whether resizing of a column is allowed.
 void IJaretTableSelectionModelListener.columnSelectionAdded(IColumn column)
          Called whenever a column has been added to a selection.
 void IJaretTableSelectionModelListener.columnSelectionRemoved(IColumn column)
          Called whenever a column has been removed from the selection.
 void ITableViewStateListener.columnVisibilityChanged(IColumn column, boolean visible)
          Called when the visibility of a column changed.
 void ITableViewStateListener.columnWidthChanged(IColumn column, int newWidth)
          Column width changed.
protected  void AbstractJaretTableModel.fireCellChanged(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Inform listeners about a changed cell.
protected  void DefaultTableViewState.fireCellStyleChanged(IRow row, IColumn column, ICellStyle cellStyle)
protected  void AbstractJaretTableModel.fireColumnAdded(int idx, IColumn column)
          Inform listeners about an added column.
protected  void AbstractJaretTableModel.fireColumnChanged(IColumn column)
          Inform listeners about a changed column.
protected  void AbstractJaretTableModel.fireColumnRemoved(IColumn column)
          Inform listeners about a removed column.
protected  void DefaultTableViewState.fireColumnVisibilityChanged(IColumn column, boolean visible)
protected  void DefaultTableViewState.fireColumnWidthChanged(IColumn column, int newWidth)
protected  void AbstractColumn.fireValueChanged(IRow row, IColumn column, java.lang.Object oldValue, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Inform listeners about a value change.
 ICellStyle ITableViewState.getCellStyle(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Retrieve the cell style for a specified cell.
 ICellStyle DefaultTableViewState.getCellStyle(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Retrieve the cell style for a specified cell.
 boolean ITableViewState.getColumnSortingDirection(IColumn column)
          Retrieve the sorting direction for a column.
 boolean DefaultTableViewState.getColumnSortingDirection(IColumn column)
          Retrieve the sorting direction for a column.
 int ITableViewState.getColumnSortingPosition(IColumn column)
          Retrieve the position in the sorting order set.
 int DefaultTableViewState.getColumnSortingPosition(IColumn column)
          Retrieve the position in the sorting order set.
 boolean ITableViewState.getColumnVisible(IColumn column)
          Check whether a column is visible.
 boolean DefaultTableViewState.getColumnVisible(IColumn column)
          Check whether a column is visible.
 int ITableViewState.getColumnWidth(IColumn column)
          retrive the width of a column.
 int DefaultTableViewState.getColumnWidth(IColumn column)
          retrive the width of a column.
 boolean IJaretTableModel.isEditable(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Check whether a cell is editable.
 boolean AbstractJaretTableModel.isEditable(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Check whether a cell is editable.
 void JaretTableSelectionImpl.remColumn(IColumn column)
          Remove column from the selection.
 void IJaretTableSelection.remColumn(IColumn column)
          Remove column from the selection.
 void DefaultJaretTableModel.remColumn(IColumn column)
          Remove a column from the model.
 void JaretTableSelectionModelImpl.remSelectedColumn(IColumn column)
          Remove a column from the selection.
 void IJaretTableSelectionModel.remSelectedColumn(IColumn column)
          Remove a column from the selection.
 void ITableViewState.setColumnResizingAllowed(IColumn column, boolean resizingAllowed)
          Set whether resizing a column is allowed.
 void DefaultTableViewState.setColumnResizingAllowed(IColumn column, boolean resizingAllowed)
          Set whether resizing a column is allowed.
 void ITableViewState.setColumnVisible(IColumn column, boolean visible)
          Set the visibility of a column.
 void DefaultTableViewState.setColumnVisible(IColumn column, boolean visible)
          Set the visibility of a column.
 void ITableViewState.setColumnWidth(IColumn column, int width)
          Set the width of a column.
 void DefaultTableViewState.setColumnWidth(IColumn column, int width)
          Set the width of a column.
 void ITableViewState.setSorting(IColumn column)
          Handle the slection of a column for sorting (handle a click).
 void DefaultTableViewState.setSorting(IColumn column)
          Handle the slection of a column for sorting (handle a click).
 void IJaretTableModel.setValue(IRow row, IColumn column, java.lang.Object value)
          Set the value of a particular cell.
 void AbstractJaretTableModel.setValue(IRow row, IColumn column, java.lang.Object value)
          Set the value of a particular cell.
 void ITableFocusListener.tableFocusChanged(JaretTable source, IRow row, IColumn column)
          Focus has been moved or has been initially set.
 void IColumnListener.valueChanged(IRow row, IColumn column, java.lang.Object oldValue, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Called when a value in a column changed.

Method parameters in de.jaret.util.ui.table.model with type arguments of type IColumn
 void ITableViewState.setSortedColumns(java.util.List<IColumn> columns)
          Set the order of the columns.
 void DefaultTableViewState.setSortedColumns(java.util.List<IColumn> sortedColumns)
          Set the order of the columns.

Constructors in de.jaret.util.ui.table.model with parameters of type IColumn
JaretTableCellImpl(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Construct a table cell instance.

Uses of IColumn in de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.simple

Classes in de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.simple that implement IColumn
 class SimpleColumn
          Simple implementation of a column for use in the SimpleJaretTableModel.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.simple that return IColumn
 IColumn SimpleJaretTableModel.getColumn(int idx)
          Retrieve a column specified by it's index.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.simple with parameters of type IColumn
 void SimpleJaretTableModel.addColumn(IColumn column)
          Add a column.

Uses of IColumn in de.jaret.util.ui.table.renderer

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.table.renderer with type parameters of type IColumn
protected  java.util.Map<IRow,java.util.Map<IColumn,ICellStyle>> DefaultCellStyleProvider._cellMap
          map combintaion storing the style of a cell .
protected  java.util.Map<IColumn,ICellStyle> DefaultCellStyleProvider._columnMap
          map storing the column cell styles.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.table.renderer with parameters of type IColumn
 void ICellStyleListener.cellStyleChanged(IRow row, IColumn column, ICellStyle style)
          Will be called whenever a style changed.
protected  java.lang.String TextCellRenderer.convertValue(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Convert the value specified by row, column to a string.
protected  java.lang.String LabelProviderRenderer.convertValue(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Convert the value specified by row, column to a string.
protected  java.lang.String DoubleCellRenderer.convertValue(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Convert the value specified by row, column to a string.
protected  java.lang.String DateCellRenderer.convertValue(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Convert the value specified by row, column to a string.
 void TextCellRenderer.draw( gc, JaretTable jaretTable, ICellStyle cellStyle, drawingArea, IRow row, IColumn column, boolean drawFocus, boolean selected, boolean printing)
          Draw a single cell.
 void TableHierarchyRenderer.draw( gc, JaretTable jaretTable, ICellStyle cellStyle, drawingArea, IRow row, IColumn column, boolean drawFocus, boolean selected, boolean printing)
          Draw a single cell.
 void SmileyCellRenderer.draw( gc, JaretTable jaretTable, ICellStyle cellStyle, drawingArea, IRow row, IColumn column, boolean drawFocus, boolean selected, boolean printing)
          Draw a single cell.
 void ObjectImageRenderer.draw( gc, JaretTable jaretTable, ICellStyle cellStyle, drawingArea, IRow row, IColumn column, boolean drawFocus, boolean selected, boolean printing)
          Draw a single cell.
 void ImageCellRenderer.draw( gc, JaretTable jaretTable, ICellStyle cellStyle, drawingArea, IRow row, IColumn column, boolean drawFocus, boolean selected, boolean printing)
          Draw a single cell.
 void ICellRenderer.draw( gc, JaretTable jaretTable, ICellStyle cellStyle, drawingArea, IRow row, IColumn column, boolean drawFocus, boolean selected, boolean printing)
          Draw a single cell.
 void ClassImageRenderer.draw( gc, JaretTable jaretTable, ICellStyle cellStyle, drawingArea, IRow row, IColumn column, boolean drawFocus, boolean selected, boolean printing)
          Draw a single cell.
 void BooleanCellRenderer.draw( gc, JaretTable jaretTable, ICellStyle cellStyle, drawingArea, IRow row, IColumn column, boolean drawFocus, boolean selected, boolean printing)
          Draw a single cell.
 void BarCellRenderer.draw( gc, JaretTable jaretTable, ICellStyle cellStyle, drawingArea, IRow row, IColumn column, boolean drawFocus, boolean selected, boolean printing)
          Draw a single cell.
 void ITableHeaderRenderer.draw( gc, rectangle, IColumn column, int sortingPosition, boolean sortDir, boolean printing)
          Draw a table header.
 void DefaultTableHeaderRenderer.draw( gc, drawingArea, IColumn column, int sortingOrder, boolean sortDir, boolean printing)
          Draw a table header.
protected  void DefaultCellStyleProvider.fireCellStyleChanged(IRow row, IColumn column, ICellStyle cellStyle)
          Inform listeners about a cell style change.
 ICellStyle ICellStyleProvider.getCellSpecificStyle(IRow row, IColumn column, boolean create)
          Get the cell style defined for a single cell.
 ICellStyle DefaultCellStyleProvider.getCellSpecificStyle(IRow row, IColumn column, boolean create)
          Get the cell style defined for a single cell.
 ICellStyle ICellStyleProvider.getCellStyle(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Retrieve the cell style for a cell.
 ICellStyle DefaultCellStyleProvider.getCellStyle(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Retrieve the cell style for a cell.
 ICellStyle IStyleStrategy.getCellStyle(IRow row, IColumn column, ICellStyle incomingStyle, ICellStyle defaultCellStyle)
          This method is called before a cell style is delivered to the jaret table (by getCellStyle(row, col) in the cell style provider).
 ICellStyle ICellStyleProvider.getColumnCellStyle(IColumn column, boolean create)
          Retrieve the cell style for a column.
 ICellStyle DefaultCellStyleProvider.getColumnCellStyle(IColumn column, boolean create)
          Retrieve the cell style for a column.
protected  java.lang.String TextCellRenderer.getComment(IRow row, IColumn column)
          Override for using content marker and tooltip.
 int TextCellRenderer.getPreferredHeight( gc, ICellStyle cellStyle, int width, IRow row, IColumn column)
          Calculate the preferred height of a specific cell.
 int ObjectImageRenderer.getPreferredHeight( gc, ICellStyle cellStyle, int width, IRow row, IColumn column)
          Calculate the preferred height of a specific cell.
 int ICellRenderer.getPreferredHeight( gc, ICellStyle cellStyle, int width, IRow row, IColumn column)
          Calculate the preferred height of a specific cell.
 int ClassImageRenderer.getPreferredHeight( gc, ICellStyle cellStyle, int width, IRow row, IColumn column)
          Calculate the preferred height of a specific cell.
 int CellRendererBase.getPreferredHeight( gc, ICellStyle cellStyle, int width, IRow row, IColumn column)
          Calculate the preferred height of a specific cell.
 int BooleanCellRenderer.getPreferredHeight( gc, ICellStyle cellStyle, int width, IRow row, IColumn column)
          Calculate the preferred height of a specific cell.
 int TableHierarchyRenderer.getPreferredHeight(IRow row, IColumn column)
 int TableHierarchyRenderer.getPreferredWidth(java.util.List<IRow> rows, IColumn column)
          Calculate the preferred width for the column.
 int ObjectImageRenderer.getPreferredWidth(java.util.List<IRow> rows, IColumn column)
          Calculate the preferred width for the column.
 int ICellRenderer.getPreferredWidth(java.util.List<IRow> rows, IColumn column)
          Calculate the preferred width for the column.
 int ClassImageRenderer.getPreferredWidth(java.util.List<IRow> rows, IColumn column)
          Calculate the preferred width for the column.
 int CellRendererBase.getPreferredWidth(java.util.List<IRow> rows, IColumn column)
          Calculate the preferred width for the column.
 int BooleanCellRenderer.getPreferredWidth(java.util.List<IRow> rows, IColumn column)
          Calculate the preferred width for the column.
 java.lang.String TextCellRenderer.getTooltip(JaretTable jaretTable, drawingArea, IRow row, IColumn column, int x, int y)
          Provide a tooltip text for display.
 java.lang.String ICellRenderer.getTooltip(JaretTable jaretTable, drawingArea, IRow row, IColumn column, int x, int y)
          Provide a tooltip text for display.
 java.lang.String CellRendererBase.getTooltip(JaretTable jaretTable, drawingArea, IRow row, IColumn column, int x, int y)
          Provide a tooltip text for display.
 boolean ITableHeaderRenderer.isSortingClick( drawingArea, IColumn column, int x, int y)
          Check whether a click hits the area reserved for sorting indication.
 boolean DefaultTableHeaderRenderer.isSortingClick( drawingArea, IColumn column, int x, int y)
          Check whether a click hits the area reserved for sorting indication.
 void ICellStyleProvider.setBackground(IColumn column, background)
          Convenience method for setting the background of a column.
 void DefaultCellStyleProvider.setBackground(IColumn column, background)
          Convenience method for setting the background of a column.
 void ICellStyleProvider.setBackground(IRow row, IColumn column, background)
          Convenience method for setting the background of a cell.
 void DefaultCellStyleProvider.setBackground(IRow row, IColumn column, background)
          Convenience method for setting the background of a cell.
 void ICellStyleProvider.setCellStyle(IRow row, IColumn column, ICellStyle style)
          Set the cell style to use for a specific cell.
 void DefaultCellStyleProvider.setCellStyle(IRow row, IColumn column, ICellStyle style)
          Set the cell style to use for a specific cell.
 void ICellStyleProvider.setColumnCellStyle(IColumn column, ICellStyle style)
          Set the cell style for a column.
 void DefaultCellStyleProvider.setColumnCellStyle(IColumn column, ICellStyle style)
          Set the cell style for a column.
 void ICellStyleProvider.setFont(IColumn column, fontdata)
          Convenience method for setting the font.
 void DefaultCellStyleProvider.setFont(IColumn column, fontdata)
          Convenience method for setting the font.
 void ICellStyleProvider.setFont(IRow row, IColumn column, fontdata)
          Convenience method for setting the font.
 void DefaultCellStyleProvider.setFont(IRow row, IColumn column, fontdata)
          Convenience method for setting the font.
 void ICellStyleProvider.setForeground(IColumn column, foreground)
          Convenience method for setting the foreground of a column.
 void DefaultCellStyleProvider.setForeground(IColumn column, foreground)
          Convenience method for setting the foreground of a column.
 void ICellStyleProvider.setForeground(IRow row, IColumn column, foreground)
          Convenience method for setting the foreground of a cell.
 void DefaultCellStyleProvider.setForeground(IRow row, IColumn column, foreground)
          Convenience method for setting the foreground of a cell.
 void ICellStyleProvider.setHorizontalAlignment(IColumn column, ITableViewState.HAlignment hAlignment)
          Convenience method for setting the horizontal alignment.
 void DefaultCellStyleProvider.setHorizontalAlignment(IColumn column, ITableViewState.HAlignment alignment)
          Convenience method for setting the horizontal alignment.
 void ICellStyleProvider.setHorizontalAlignment(IRow row, IColumn column, ITableViewState.HAlignment hAlignment)
          Convenience method for setting the horizontal alignment.
 void DefaultCellStyleProvider.setHorizontalAlignment(IRow row, IColumn column, ITableViewState.HAlignment alignment)
          Convenience method for setting the horizontal alignment.
 void ICellStyleProvider.setVerticalAlignment(IColumn column, ITableViewState.VAlignment vAlignment)
          Convenience method for setting the vertical alignment.
 void DefaultCellStyleProvider.setVerticalAlignment(IColumn column, ITableViewState.VAlignment alignment)
          Convenience method for setting the vertical alignment.
 void ICellStyleProvider.setVerticalAlignment(IRow row, IColumn column, ITableViewState.VAlignment vAlignment)
          Convenience method for setting the vertical alignment.
 void DefaultCellStyleProvider.setVerticalAlignment(IRow row, IColumn column, ITableViewState.VAlignment alignment)
          Convenience method for setting the vertical alignment.

Uses of IColumn in de.jaret.util.ui.table.util

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.table.util with parameters of type IColumn
 void AbstractSelectionProvider.columnSelectionAdded(IColumn column)
          Called whenever a column has been added to a selection.
 void AbstractSelectionProvider.columnSelectionRemoved(IColumn column)
          Called whenever a column has been removed from the selection.

Uses of IColumn in de.jaret.util.ui.table.util.action

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.table.util.action with type parameters of type IColumn
protected  java.util.List<IColumn> ConfigureColumnsAction._saveOrder
          saved order for doing a proper cancel operation.
protected  java.util.Map<IColumn,java.lang.Boolean> ConfigureColumnsAction._saveVisibility
          saved visibility for the columns for proper cancel action.

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