brief overview of the examples

Please note that additional information concerning some of the examples can be found in the documentation: HTML documentation.

This document gives a short introduction to the examples supplied with the jare timebar component.

The examples are created at different time throughout the development of the component, so some of them are quite old. All examples are "hacks" and do not strive to be nice looking code. Some of the examples are commented in german for historical reasons. The structure is a bit chaotic since the swing and swt examples share the models.

Screenshots are on the screenshots page.



This example demonstrates the handling of overlapping intervals if drawOverlapping is false. Every interval will only get a fraction of the row space for rendering. Renderer is the simple default renderer. Possiblity to change the intervals (dragging, resizing). Possiblity to change the scale. Printing possiblity. Other renderers: default.

The example also contains an example of defining a drag source and a drop target on the timebar viewer. The majority of the functionality is implemented outside the timebar viewer. This takes into account, that there are many possibilities to define the semantics of drag and drop.


Simple hierarchical view SWT version. Scaling, manipulating the intervals, tree structure. The sum interval is rendered by a specialized sum renderer. The arrows beetween the intervals are a demonstration of a GlobalAssistant renderer. Context menus on scale and hierarchy. Hierarchy using label provider including icons.

Can be switched (check the souce code) to demonstrate variable xscale scaling. If anabled a row containing intervals determing regions of different scaling is shown as the last row. The intervals can be manipulated.


Intervals are rendered one on the other.


Two coupled viewers (using the synchronizer). Different tooltip for red corners. Gap renderer. Large number of intervals!



Very simple example just filling a timebar viewer with a lot of intervals and change them by the main thread. Beware: the main thread has to be stopped "by hand" (or it will run until all intervals have been modified.).


This example is a proof of concept showing trips from one point to another point ("Touren") in the timebarviewer and shows additional data in an attached JTable. Since newer versiocns of the viewer component scroll smooth - a feature the JTable lacks to have - the integration with th table is not as nice as it could be. For demonstration purposes a sorter and a filter can be chosen from comboboxes. Scaling is possible. Renderer for the tour elements is specialized. A gap renderer is used to render the point labels.


Simple hierarchical view Swing version. Scaling, manipulating the intervals, tree structure, draggable marker. The sum interval is rendered by a specialized sum renderer.


Two coupled viewers (using the synchronizer), draggable marker, intervals are rendered one on the other, sorter, interval filter


Two coupled viewers (using the synchronizer). "freisetzen" deletes selected intervals from the upper viewer, different tooltip for red corners. Gap renderer. Large number of intervals!