Known usages of the timebars

This page will list known (and publishable) usages of the timebars component. Licencees will not be listed here. If you think, your project should be listed here drop a mail.

Tracer Shahar Maoz et. al.: Using the timebars component for scientific visualization
Permeter Permeter is a research activity conducted by the Department of Business Information Systems, of the Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg, Germany. The tool includes a project planning part with the timebars as the visualization component. The Berlin RoofNet Simulator (Brn.Sim): Using the timebars component for scientific visualization (lots of intervals).
Semantic Annotation of GPS Trajectories (PDF) More visualization in academia (small part).
timalyzer for android We did a quick port of the timebars that runs on android. This is behind the timalyzer.