de.jaret.util.ui.timebars: Screenshots and screencasts

These are some screenshots and screencasts of the timebar viewer in action. Remember that the rendering is done by renderers that can easily be customized. Not all screenshots shown on this page are included as an example.

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SwtHierarchy (1.0)

SWT (v1.0): Hierarchical structured intervals with a sum interval and a global renderer rendering the relation arrows. Labelprovider provides icon and text (Example included). Time scale is rendered by the BoxTimeScaleRenderer.

See a screencast! (v0.99) (2.3MB) (Created with Wink)

Printed version (PDF)

Intervals drawn non overlapping and DND 1.0)

SWT (v1.0): Intervals drawn non overlapping. Interval and row dragging implemented. Shows dragging in progress. (Example included).

See a screencast! (v0.99) (1.4MB) (Created with Wink)

Printed version (PDF) (v1.0)

Vertical orientation (1.10)

SWT: version 1.10 vertical orientation: the calendar example (also available for Swing).

Some more drawing

SWT: version 1.13, drawing besides the area of the interval, rendering a point in time.

SWT: version 1.13, drawing a drop shadow.

SWT: version 1.13, drawing a reflection.

SWT: version 1.15, drawing a timeline inspired by the SIMILE timeline

Swing EventMonitor (1.30)

Swing (version 1.30): Customized header renderer, row height strategy, uniform interval height, region selection (used for a zoom action)

Hierarchy with global rendering (0.98)

SWT: version 0.98 (hierarchical with a sum interval + global rendering of relations between intervals, example not included). Interval rendering customized.

Usage for other time based data display

It is quite easy to use the mechanics of the time bar viewer to draw other time based data. An example for drawing a simple line chart is included. Those applications can easyly profit from the optimized scrolling and the other features of the timebar viewer.

TimeBarViewer synced with JaretTable (1.02, 0.81)

SWT: TimeBarViewer synchronized with a JaretTable using the synchronizer from the timebars.addon package.

SWT: Hierarchical TimeBarViewer synchronized with a JaretTable using the synchronizer from the timebars.addon package.

Several other (older) screenshots

SWT (v0.982): Hierarchical structured intervals (see above) showing a variable x axis scaling (visualized by the last row with marking intervals for changed scale; variable xaxis scaling is experimental) (Example included).

Swing(v0.94): Simple view configuration showing (fake) duties. The TimeBarViewer is coupled with a JTable displaying details. (Default grid renderer, default header renderer, default time scale renderer)

SWT(v0.94): Overlapping intervals with custom renderers.

Swing(v0.94): Overlapping intervals with custom renderers. Two synchronized viewers, marker.

SWT(v0.94): Intervals with custom renderer. Two synchronized viewers, gap renderer.