Uses of Interface

Packages that use TimeBarRow
de.jaret.util.ui.timebars This package contains a suite of classes and interfaces to define and display a model of intervals over a discrete set of rows. 
de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.mod This package contains an interface for deciding about interval modifications. 
de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.model This package contains the model classes for the TimeBarViewer (in both versions: swing and swt). 
de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.strategy This package contains the definition of an interface for externalizing the strategy used to calculate overlap information and a default implementation that does a complete overlap check as seen in earlier versions of the time bar viewer. 
de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swing This package contains the swing version of the TimeBarViewer. 
de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swing.renderer This package contains interface and default implementations of different renderers for the swing version of the TimeBarViewer. 
de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swt This package contains the SWT version of the TimeBarViewer. 
de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swt.renderer This package contains renderer interfaces and default implementations the SWT version of the TimeBarViewer. 

Uses of TimeBarRow in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars declared as TimeBarRow
protected  TimeBarRow TimeBarViewerDelegate._ctxRow
          row above that a context menu has been requested to pup up.
protected  TimeBarRow TimeBarViewerDelegate._focussedRow
          Row of the focussed interval or null if no interval is focussed.
protected  TimeBarRow TimeBarViewerDelegate._heightDraggedRow
          row thats height is currently dragged or null when no row height is beeing dragged.
protected  TimeBarRow TimeBarViewerDelegate._highlightedRow
          highlighted row if any.
protected  TimeBarRow TimeBarViewerDelegate._intervalDraggedRow
          the row of the dragged/resized interval.
protected  TimeBarRow TimeBarViewerDelegate._regionStartRow
          start row when selecting a reion.

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars with type parameters of type TimeBarRow
protected  java.util.List<TimeBarRow> TimeBarViewerDelegate._draggedIntervalsRows
          cache for the row information for the dragged intervals.
protected  java.util.List<TimeBarRow> TimeBarViewerDelegate._rowList
          filtered and sorted list.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars that return TimeBarRow
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewerDelegate.getCtxRow()
          Retrieve the row above that a popup menu request has occurred.
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewerDelegate.getFocussedRow()
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewerDelegate.getHighlightedRow()
          Retrieve the highlighted row if prsent.
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewerDelegate.getRow(int idx)
          Get a timebar row from the filtered/sorted list by index.
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewerInterface.getRowForXY(int x, int y)
          Retrieve the row for a given point.
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewerInterface.getRowForY(int y)
          Retrieve the row for a given y coodinate (x if oriented vertcal; use getRowForXY instead!).
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewerDelegate.rowForXY(int x, int y)
          Get the row located at x,y.
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewerDelegate.rowForY(int y)
          Get the row for a given y coordinate in the diagram pane.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars that return types with arguments of type TimeBarRow
 de.jaret.util.misc.Pair<TimeBarRow,> TimeBarViewerInterface.getPopUpInformation()
          Retrieve the row and date of the click leading to the activation of a context menu.
 de.jaret.util.misc.Pair<TimeBarRow,> TimeBarViewerDelegate.getPopUpInformation()
          Retrieve the row and date of the click leading to the activation of a context menu.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars with parameters of type TimeBarRow
 int TimeBarViewerDelegate.dispIdxForRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Calculate the display index of the row.
 void TimeBarViewerInterface.displayHeaderContextMenu(TimeBarRow row, int x, int y)
          Display the header context menu.
 void TimeBarViewerInterface.displayHierarchyContextMenu(TimeBarRow row, int x, int y)
          Display the hierarchy area context menu.
 void TimeBarViewerDelegate.elementAdded(TimeBarModel model, TimeBarRow row, element)
          A new element was added to a row.
 void TimeBarViewerDelegate.elementChanged(TimeBarModel model, TimeBarRow row, element)
          An element in a row has changed.
 void TimeBarViewerDelegate.elementRemoved(TimeBarModel model, TimeBarRow row, element)
          An element was removed from a row.
protected  void TimeBarViewerDelegate.fireFocussedIntervalChange(TimeBarRow newFocussedRow, newFocussedInterval)
          Inform listeners about a focus change.
protected  void TimeBarViewerDelegate.fireIntervalChangeCancelled(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Inform time bar change listeners about a cancelled interval change.
protected  void TimeBarViewerDelegate.fireIntervalChanged(TimeBarRow row, interval, oldBegin, oldEnd)
          Inform time bar change listeners about a finished interval change.
protected  void TimeBarViewerDelegate.fireIntervalChangeStarted(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Inform time bar change listeners about a beginning interval change.
protected  void TimeBarViewerDelegate.fireIntervalIntermediateChange(TimeBarRow row, interval, oldBegin, oldEnd)
          Inform time bar change listeners about an intermediate interval change.
 java.awt.Rectangle TimeBarViewerDelegate.getHeaderRect(TimeBarRow row)
          Calculate the rectangle for drawing the header of a given row.
 java.lang.String TimeBarViewerInterface.getHeaderToolTipText(TimeBarRow row, int x, int y)
          Retrieve the tooltip for a position on a row.
 java.awt.Rectangle TimeBarViewerDelegate.getHierarchyRect(TimeBarRow row)
          Calculate the rectangle for drawing the hierachy marker of a given row.
 java.awt.Rectangle TimeBarViewerDelegate.getIntervalBounds(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Calculates the bounding rectangle for an interval.
 java.util.List<> TimeBarViewerDelegate.getIntervalsAt(TimeBarRow row, int x)
          Retrieve intervals in a given row for a given x coordinate.
 java.util.List<> TimeBarViewerDelegate.getIntervalsAt(TimeBarRow row, int x, int y)
          Retrieves all intervals for a given row and a x coordinate in the diagram pane.
 int TimeBarViewerDelegate.getMaxOverlapCount(TimeBarRow row)
          Retrieve tha maximal count of overlapping intervals in a row.
 java.awt.Rectangle TimeBarViewerDelegate.getRowBounds(TimeBarRow row)
          Calculates the bounds of a row.
 int TimeBarViewerDelegate.getRowIndex(TimeBarRow row)
          Retrieve the index of a given row.
 int TimeBarViewerInterface.getYForRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Retrieve the y coordinate in the diagram pane for the given row.
 void TimeBarViewerDelegate.headerChanged(TimeBarModel model, TimeBarRow row, java.lang.Object newHeader)
          The header of a row changed.
 void TimeBarViewerDelegate.highlightRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Highlight a row.
 boolean TimeBarViewerDelegate.isFiltered(TimeBarRow row)
          Check whether a row is filtered out.
 boolean TimeBarRowFilter.isInResult(TimeBarRow row)
          Return true if the given row is in the filtered result.
 boolean TimeBarViewerDelegate.isIntervalVisible(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Check whether any part of an interval is visible.
 boolean TimeBarViewerDelegate.isRowDisplayed(TimeBarRow row)
          Check whether a certain row is currently displayed.
 void TimeBarViewerDelegate.rowAdded(TimeBarModel model, TimeBarRow row)
          The model was enlarged by a new row.
 void TimeBarViewerDelegate.rowDataChanged(TimeBarModel model, TimeBarRow row)
          Unspecific change in the data of a row.
 void TimeBarViewerDelegate.rowRemoved(TimeBarModel model, TimeBarRow row)
          The model was reduced by a row.
 void TimeBarViewerInterface.scrollIntervalToVisible(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Make sure the specified interval is in the visibe area of the viewer.
 void TimeBarViewerDelegate.scrollIntervalToVisible(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Make sure the specified interval is in the visibe area of the viewer.
 void TimeBarViewerDelegate.scrollIntervalToVisible(TimeBarRow row, interval, double horizontalRatio, double verticalRatio)
          Scroll an interval to specified position (by ration) in the vieable area of the chart.
 void TimeBarViewerInterface.scrollRowToVisible(TimeBarRow row)
          Make sure the specified row is visible.
 void TimeBarViewerDelegate.scrollRowToVisible(TimeBarRow row)
          Make sure the specified row is visible.
 void TimeBarViewerDelegate.setFirstRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Set the first row to be displayed.
 void TimeBarViewerInterface.setFirstRowDisplayed(TimeBarRow row)
          Set the the first row to be displayed.
 void TimeBarViewerDelegate.setFocussedInterval(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Set the new focussed interval.
 void TimeBarViewerInterface.setLastRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Set the last row in the viewer.
 void TimeBarViewerDelegate.setLastRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Set the last row in the viewer.
 int TimeBarViewerDelegate.yForRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Calculate the y coordinate in the diagram pane for the given row.

Uses of TimeBarRow in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.mod

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.mod with parameters of type TimeBarRow
 double IIntervalModificator.getSecondGridSnap(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          If this method returns a positive value this is used as the modification interval.
 double DefaultIntervalModificator.getSecondGridSnap(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          If this method returns a positive value this is used as the modification interval.
 boolean IntervalModificator.isApplicable(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Decides whether the interval modificator is responsible for a given interval in a row.
 boolean DefaultIntervalModificator.isApplicable(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Decides whether the interval modificator is responsible for a given interval in a row.
 boolean IntervalModificator.isShiftingAllowed(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Decide whether a given interval in a row is allowed to be shifted.
 boolean DefaultIntervalModificator.isShiftingAllowed(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Decide whether a given interval in a row is allowed to be shifted.
 boolean IntervalModificator.isSizingAllowed(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Decide whether a given interval in a row is allowed to be sized.
 boolean DefaultIntervalModificator.isSizingAllowed(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Decide whether a given interval in a row is allowed to be sized.
 boolean IntervalModificator.newBeginAllowed(TimeBarRow row, interval, newBegin)
          Decide whether a given interval in a given row can change the begin date.
 boolean DefaultIntervalModificator.newBeginAllowed(TimeBarRow row, interval, newBegin)
          Decide whether a given interval in a given row can change the begin date.
 boolean IntervalModificator.newEndAllowed(TimeBarRow row, interval, newEnd)
          Decide whether a given interval in a given row can change the end date.
 boolean DefaultIntervalModificator.newEndAllowed(TimeBarRow row, interval, newEnd)
          Decide whether a given interval in a given row can change the end date.
 boolean IntervalModificator.shiftAllowed(TimeBarRow row, interval, newBegin)
          Decide whether an interval may be shifted in time to a new begin date.
 boolean DefaultIntervalModificator.shiftAllowed(TimeBarRow row, interval, newBegin)
          Decide whether an interval may be shifted in time to a new begin date.

Uses of TimeBarRow in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.model

Subinterfaces of TimeBarRow in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.model
 interface IIdentifiableTimeBarNode
          Extenison of the tImeBarNode interface supplying an additional id.
 interface TimeBarNode
          Interface describing a time bar row in a hierarchy of rows.

Classes in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.model that implement TimeBarRow
 class AbstractTimeBarNode
          Abstract base implementation for a timebar node.
 class AbstractTimeBarRowModel
          An abstract base implementation of the TimeBarRow interface.
 class AddingTimeBarNode
          An implementation of a TimeBarNode that adds up all children.
 class AddingTimeBarRowModel
          Timebar row model that adds up (merges) all intervals added.
 class DefaultTimeBarNode
          A default implementation of a TimeBarNode.
 class DefaultTimeBarRowModel
          A base implementation of the TimeBarRow interface as an extension of the abstract implementation AbstractTimeBarRowModel.

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.model declared as TimeBarRow
protected  TimeBarRow DefaultRowHeader._row
          the row of the header.
 TimeBarRow TBRect.endRow
          last row.
 TimeBarRow TBRect.startRow
          first row.

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.model with type parameters of type TimeBarRow
protected  java.util.Map<TimeBarRow,java.lang.Boolean> DefaultTimeBarViewState._drawOverlapping
          map holding the individual overlapping properties for rows.
protected  java.util.Map<TimeBarRow,java.lang.Integer> DefaultTimeBarViewState._heights
          map holding the heights.
protected  java.util.List<TimeBarRow> DefaultTimeBarModel._rows
          list of the rows.
protected  java.util.List<TimeBarRow> AddingTimeBarRowModel._rows
          rows beeing "add up".
protected  java.util.List<TimeBarRow> TimeBarSelectionModelImpl._selectedRows
          list of selecetd rows.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.model that return TimeBarRow
 TimeBarRow TimeBarRowHeader.getRow()
          retrieve the row the header belongs to.
 TimeBarRow DefaultRowHeader.getRow()
          retrieve the row the header belongs to.
 TimeBarRow TimeBarModel.getRow(int row)
          Return the row for the given index.
 TimeBarRow StdHierarchicalTimeBarModel.getRow(int rowIdx)
          Return the row for the given index.
 TimeBarRow DefaultTimeBarModel.getRow(int row)
          Return the row for the given index.
 TimeBarRow TimeBarModel.getRowForInterval( interval)
          Retrieve the TimeBarRow for a given interval.
 TimeBarRow AbstractTimeBarModel.getRowForInterval( interval)
          Retrieve the TimeBarRow for a given interval.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.model that return types with arguments of type TimeBarRow
 java.util.List<TimeBarRow> TimeBarSelectionModelImpl.getSelectedRows()
          Retrieves the list of currently selected rows.
 java.util.List<TimeBarRow> TimeBarSelectionModel.getSelectedRows()
          Retrieves the list of currently selected rows.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.model with parameters of type TimeBarRow
 void DefaultTimeBarModel.addRow(int index, TimeBarRow row)
          Add a row.
 void DefaultTimeBarModel.addRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Add a row.
 void AddingTimeBarRowModel.addRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Add a row.
 void TimeBarSelectionModelImpl.addSelectedRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Add a row to the collection of selected rows.
 void TimeBarSelectionModel.addSelectedRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Add a row to the collection of selected rows.
 int IRowHeightStrategy.calculateRowHeight(TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, ITimeBarViewState timeBarViewState, TimeBarRow row)
          Calculate the height/width of a row.
 void TimeBarModelListener.elementAdded(TimeBarModel model, TimeBarRow row, element)
          A new element was added to a row.
 void TimeBarRowListener.elementAdded(TimeBarRow row, element)
          A new element was added to the row.
 void AddingTimeBarRowModel.elementAdded(TimeBarRow row, element)
          A new element was added to the row.
 void AbstractTimeBarModel.elementAdded(TimeBarRow row, element)
          A new element was added to the row.
 void TimeBarModelListener.elementChanged(TimeBarModel model, TimeBarRow row, element)
          An element in a row has changed.
 void TimeBarRowListener.elementChanged(TimeBarRow row, element)
          An element in the row has changed.
 void AddingTimeBarRowModel.elementChanged(TimeBarRow row, element)
          An element in the row has changed.
 void AbstractTimeBarModel.elementChanged(TimeBarRow row, element)
          An element in the row has changed.
 void TimeBarModelListener.elementRemoved(TimeBarModel model, TimeBarRow row, element)
          An element was removed from a row.
 void TimeBarRowListener.elementRemoved(TimeBarRow row, element)
          An element was removed from the row.
 void AddingTimeBarRowModel.elementRemoved(TimeBarRow row, element)
          An element was removed from the row.
 void AbstractTimeBarModel.elementRemoved(TimeBarRow row, element)
          An element was removed from the row.
protected  void AbstractTimeBarModel.fireElementAdded(TimeBarRow row, element)
          Inform listeners about a new element in a specific row.
protected  void AbstractTimeBarModel.fireElementChanged(TimeBarRow row, element)
          Inform listeners about a changed element in a specific row.
protected  void AbstractTimeBarModel.fireElementRemoved(TimeBarRow row, element)
          Inform listeners about a removed element in a specific row.
protected  void AbstractTimeBarModel.fireHeaderChanged(TimeBarRow row, TimeBarRowHeader header)
          Inform listeners about a changed header.
protected  void AbstractTimeBarModel.fireRowAdded(TimeBarRow row)
          Inform listeners about a new row.
protected  void AbstractTimeBarModel.fireRowDataChanged(TimeBarRow row)
          Inform listeners about a changed row.
 void DefaultTimeBarViewState.fireRowHeightChanged(TimeBarRow row, int height)
          Inform the listeners about the new height of a row.
protected  void AbstractTimeBarModel.fireRowRemoved(TimeBarRow row)
          Inform listeners about a removed row.
 void FocussedIntervalListener.focussedIntervalChanged(java.lang.Object source, TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Called when the focussed interval has changed.
 boolean ITimeBarViewState.getDrawOverlapping(TimeBarRow row)
          Check whether the intervals in a certain row should be drawn overlapping.
 boolean DefaultTimeBarViewState.getDrawOverlapping(TimeBarRow row)
          Check whether the intervals in a certain row should be drawn overlapping.
 int DefaultTimeBarModel.getIndexForRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Retrieve the model index of a given row.
 int ITimeBarViewState.getRowHeight(TimeBarRow row)
          Retrieve the height of the given row.
 int DefaultTimeBarViewState.getRowHeight(TimeBarRow row)
          Retrieve the height of the given row.
 void TimeBarModelListener.headerChanged(TimeBarModel model, TimeBarRow row, java.lang.Object newHeader)
          The header of a row changed.
 void TimeBarRowListener.headerChanged(TimeBarRow row, TimeBarRowHeader newHeader)
          The header of the row has changed.
 void AddingTimeBarRowModel.headerChanged(TimeBarRow row, TimeBarRowHeader newHeader)
          The header of the row has changed.
 void AbstractTimeBarModel.headerChanged(TimeBarRow row, TimeBarRowHeader newHeader)
          The header of the row has changed.
 void TimeBarChangeAdapter.intervalChangeCancelled(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Indicates that the user cancelled the change (most probably by pressing the ESC key).
 void ITimeBarChangeListener.intervalChangeCancelled(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Indicates that the user cancelled the change (most probably by pressing the ESC key).
 void TimeBarChangeAdapter.intervalChanged(TimeBarRow row, interval, oldBegin, oldEnd)
          Indicates the final state after an interactive change performed by the user.
 void ITimeBarChangeListener.intervalChanged(TimeBarRow row, interval, oldBegin, oldEnd)
          Indicates the final state after an interactive change performed by the user.
 void TimeBarChangeAdapter.intervalChangeStarted(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Indicates that an interval is about to be changed interactively by the user.
 void ITimeBarChangeListener.intervalChangeStarted(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Indicates that an interval is about to be changed interactively by the user.
 void TimeBarChangeAdapter.intervalIntermediateChange(TimeBarRow row, interval, oldBegin, oldEnd)
          Indicates an intermediate state while he user drags interval edegs or the interval.
 void ITimeBarChangeListener.intervalIntermediateChange(TimeBarRow row, interval, oldBegin, oldEnd)
          Indicates an intermediate state while he user drags interval edegs or the interval.
 boolean TimeBarSelectionModelImpl.isSelected(TimeBarRow row)
          Check whether a given row is selected.
 boolean TimeBarSelectionModel.isSelected(TimeBarRow row)
          Check whether a given row is selected.
 void DefaultTimeBarModel.remRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Remove a row from the model.
 void AddingTimeBarRowModel.remRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Remove a row from the list of rows adding up.
 void TimeBarSelectionModelImpl.remSelectedRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Remove a row from the collection of selected rows.
 void TimeBarSelectionModel.remSelectedRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Remove a row from the collection of selected rows.
 void TimeBarModelListener.rowAdded(TimeBarModel model, TimeBarRow row)
          The model was enlarged by a new row.
 void TimeBarModelListener.rowDataChanged(TimeBarModel model, TimeBarRow row)
          Unspecific change in the data of a row.
 void TimeBarRowListener.rowDataChanged(TimeBarRow row)
          Unspecific or multiple change of row data.
 void AddingTimeBarRowModel.rowDataChanged(TimeBarRow row)
          Unspecific or multiple change of row data.
 void AbstractTimeBarModel.rowDataChanged(TimeBarRow row)
          Unspecific or multiple change of row data.
 void ITimeBarViewStateListener.rowHeightChanged(TimeBarRow row, int newHeight)
          Called when the height of row changed.
 void TimeBarModelListener.rowRemoved(TimeBarModel model, TimeBarRow row)
          The model was reduced by a row.
 void ITimeBarViewState.setDrawOverlapping(TimeBarRow row, boolean drawOverlapping)
          Set for a single row whether the intervals should be drawn overlapping (overwriting the global setting done in the viewer/delegate).
 void DefaultTimeBarViewState.setDrawOverlapping(TimeBarRow row, boolean drawOverlapping)
          Set for a single row whether the intervals should be drawn overlapping (overwriting the global setting done in the viewer/delegate).
 void ITimeBarViewState.setRowHeight(TimeBarRow row, int height)
          Set the height for a specific row.
 void DefaultTimeBarViewState.setRowHeight(TimeBarRow row, int height)
          Set the height for a specific row.
 void TimeBarSelectionModelImpl.setSelectedRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Set the row selection to a given row.
 void TimeBarSelectionModel.setSelectedRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Set the row selection to a given row.

Method parameters in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.model with type arguments of type TimeBarRow
 void ISelectionRectListener.selectionRectChanged(TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, beginDate, endDate, java.util.List<TimeBarRow> rows)
          Invoked whenever the selection rectangle changes.

Constructors in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.model with parameters of type TimeBarRow
DefaultRowHeader(java.lang.String label, TimeBarRow row)
          Constructor supplying a label and the row.

Uses of TimeBarRow in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.strategy

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.strategy with type parameters of type TimeBarRow
protected  java.util.Map<TimeBarRow,java.util.Map<,OverlapInfo>> DefaultOverlapStrategy._oiRowCache
          Cache for overlap infos.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.strategy with parameters of type TimeBarRow
 int IOverlapStrategy.getMaxOverlapCount(TimeBarRow row)
          Retrieve tha maximal count of overlapping intervals in a row.
 int DefaultOverlapStrategy.getMaxOverlapCount(TimeBarRow row)
          Retrieve tha maximal count of overlapping intervals in a row.
 OverlapInfo IOverlapStrategy.getOverlapInfo(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Retrieve the information about overlapping intervals and drawing position for a given interval.
 OverlapInfo DefaultOverlapStrategy.getOverlapInfo(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Retrieve the information about overlapping intervals and drawing position for a given interval.
 java.util.Map<,OverlapInfo> IOverlapStrategy.updateOICache(TimeBarRow row)
          Calculate the number of overlapping intervals and determine the positions to draw them on.
 java.util.Map<,OverlapInfo> DefaultOverlapStrategy.updateOICache(TimeBarRow row)
          Calculate the number of overlapping intervals and determine the positions to draw them on.

Uses of TimeBarRow in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swing

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swing with type parameters of type TimeBarRow
protected  java.util.List<TimeBarRow> TimeBarViewer._ghostRows
          list of ghost rows to paint.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swing that return TimeBarRow
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewer.getRowForXY(int x, int y)
          Retrieve the row for a given point.
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewer.getRowForY(int y)
          Retrieve the row for a given y coodinate (x if oriented vertcal; use getRowForXY instead!).
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewer.rowForY(int y)

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swing that return types with arguments of type TimeBarRow
 de.jaret.util.misc.Pair<TimeBarRow,> TimeBarViewer.getPopUpInformation()
          Retrieve the row and date of the click leading to the activation of a context menu.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swing with parameters of type TimeBarRow
 void TimeBarViewer.displayHeaderContextMenu(TimeBarRow row, int x, int y)
          Display the header context menu.
 void TimeBarViewer.displayHierarchyContextMenu(TimeBarRow row, int x, int y)
          Display the hierarchy area context menu.
 java.lang.String TimeBarViewer.getHeaderToolTipText(TimeBarRow row, int x, int y)
          Retrieve the tooltip for a position on a row.
protected  javax.swing.JComponent TimeBarViewer.getIntervalComponent(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Retrieve the JComponent for a given row and interval.
 int TimeBarViewer.getYForRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Retrieve the y coordinate in the diagram pane for the given row.
 void TimeBarViewer.highlightRow(TimeBarRow timeBarRow)
 void TimeBarViewer.scrollIntervalToVisible(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Make sure the specified interval is in the visibe area of the viewer.
 void TimeBarViewer.scrollRowToVisible(TimeBarRow row)
          Make sure the specified row is visible.
 void TimeBarViewer.setFirstRowDisplayed(TimeBarRow row)
          Set the the first row to be displayed.
 void TimeBarViewer.setLastRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Set the last row in the viewer.

Uses of TimeBarRow in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swing.dnd

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swing.dnd declared as TimeBarRow
protected  TimeBarRow RowIntervalTuple._row

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swing.dnd that return TimeBarRow
 TimeBarRow RowIntervalTuple.getRow()

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swing.dnd with parameters of type TimeBarRow
 void RowIntervalTuple.setRow(TimeBarRow row)

Constructors in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swing.dnd with parameters of type TimeBarRow
RowIntervalTuple(TimeBarRow row, java.util.List intervals)

Uses of TimeBarRow in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swing.renderer

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swing.renderer with parameters of type TimeBarRow
 javax.swing.JComponent HierarchyRenderer.getHierarchyRendererComponent(TimeBarViewer tbv, TimeBarRow row, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int level, int depth)
          Provide a configured JComponent for rendering the hierarchy.
 javax.swing.JComponent DefaultHierarchyRenderer.getHierarchyRendererComponent(TimeBarViewer tbv, TimeBarRow row, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int level, int depth)
          Provide a configured JComponent for rendering the hierarchy.
 javax.swing.JComponent TimeBarGapRenderer.getTimeBarGapRendererComponent(TimeBarViewer tbv, TimeBarRow row, interval1, interval2)
 javax.swing.JComponent DefaultGapRenderer.getTimeBarGapRendererComponent(TimeBarViewer tbv, TimeBarRow row, interval1, interval2)

Uses of TimeBarRow in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swt

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swt with type parameters of type TimeBarRow
protected  java.util.List<TimeBarRow> TimeBarViewer._ghostRows
          list of ghost rows to paint.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swt that return TimeBarRow
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewer.getFocussedRow()
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewer.getRowForXY(int x, int y)
          Retrieve the row for a given point.
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewer.getRowForY(int y)
          Retrieve the row for a given y coodinate (x if oriented vertcal; use getRowForXY instead!).
 TimeBarRow TimeBarViewer.rowForY(int y)

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swt that return types with arguments of type TimeBarRow
 de.jaret.util.misc.Pair<TimeBarRow,> TimeBarViewer.getPopUpInformation()
          Retrieve the row and date of the click leading to the activation of a context menu.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swt with parameters of type TimeBarRow
 void TimeBarViewer.displayHeaderContextMenu(TimeBarRow row, int x, int y)
          Display the header context menu.
 void TimeBarViewer.displayHierarchyContextMenu(TimeBarRow row, int x, int y)
          Display the hierarchy area context menu.
static void RenderDelegate.drawGap(TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, TimeBarGapRenderer renderer, boolean printing, gc, TimeBarRow row, int xx, int y, i1, i2)
          Draw a gap beetween two intervals.
static void RenderDelegate.drawHierarchy(TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, HierarchyRenderer renderer, boolean printing, gc, int y, TimeBarRow row, boolean selected)
          Draw hierarchy element.
static void RenderDelegate.drawHierarchyVertical(TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, HierarchyRenderer renderer, boolean printing, gc, int x, TimeBarRow row, boolean selected)
          Draw hierarchy element (vertical orientation).
static void RenderDelegate.drawIntervalHorizontal(TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, TimeBarRenderer renderer, boolean printing, gc, int y, interval, OverlapInfo oi, TimeBarRow row)
          Draws a single interval.
static void RenderDelegate.drawIntervalVertical(TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, TimeBarRenderer renderer, boolean printing, gc, int x, interval, OverlapInfo oi, TimeBarRow row)
          Draws a single interval (Vertical orientation).
static void RenderDelegate.drawRowGaps(TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, TimeBarGapRenderer renderer, boolean printing, gc, int x, int y, TimeBarRow row, boolean selected)
          Render the row gaps horizontal.
static void RenderDelegate.drawRowHeaderHorizontal(TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, HeaderRenderer renderer, boolean printing, gc, int y, TimeBarRowHeader header, boolean selected, TimeBarRow row)
          Draw a row header (horizontal orientation).
static void RenderDelegate.drawRowHeaderVertical(TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, HeaderRenderer renderer, boolean printing, gc, int x, TimeBarRowHeader header, boolean selected, TimeBarRow row)
          Draw a row header (vertical orientation).
static void RenderDelegate.drawRowSimple(TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, TimeBarPrinter tbPrinter, HeaderRenderer headerRenderer, HierarchyRenderer hierarchyRenderer, boolean printing, gc, TimeBarRow row, int y, boolean selected)
          Draw a timebar row (used by the timebar printer).
 org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu RowContextMenuHandler.getContextMenu(TimeBarViewer tbv, TimeBarRow row)
          Retrieve a configured context menu appropriate for the row selection.
 java.lang.String TimeBarViewer.getHeaderToolTipText(TimeBarRow row, int x, int y)
          Retrieve the tooltip for a position on a row.
 int TimeBarViewer.getYForRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Retrieve the y coordinate in the diagram pane for the given row.
 void TimeBarViewer.highlightRow(TimeBarRow timeBarRow)
 void TimeBarViewer.scrollIntervalToVisible(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Make sure the specified interval is in the visibe area of the viewer.
 void TimeBarViewer.scrollRowToVisible(TimeBarRow row)
          Make sure the specified row is visible.
 void TimeBarViewer.setFirstRowDisplayed(TimeBarRow row)
          Set the the first row to be displayed.
 void TimeBarViewer.setFocussedInterval(TimeBarRow row, interval)
          Set the new focussed interval.
 void TimeBarViewer.setGhostRow(TimeBarRow row, int y)
          Convenience method to set a single ghost row.
 void TimeBarViewer.setLastRow(TimeBarRow row)
          Set the last row in the viewer.

Method parameters in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swt with type arguments of type TimeBarRow
 void TimeBarViewer.setGhostRows(java.util.List<TimeBarRow> rows, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> yCoordinates)
          Set the list of ghost rows to be drawn.

Uses of TimeBarRow in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swt.renderer

Fields in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swt.renderer with type parameters of type TimeBarRow
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.Class<? extends TimeBarRow>,org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider> DefaultHierarchyRenderer._labelProviderMap
          label providers for labels and icons.

Methods in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swt.renderer with parameters of type TimeBarRow
 void HierarchyRenderer.draw( gc, drawingArea, TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, TimeBarRow row, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int level, int depth, boolean printing)
          Drwa one hierarchy element.
 void DefaultHierarchyRenderer.draw( gc, drawingArea, TimeBarViewerDelegate tbv, TimeBarRow row, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int level, int depth, boolean printing)
          Drwa one hierarchy element.
 void TimeBarGapRenderer.draw( gc, TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, TimeBarRow row, interval1, interval2, drawingArea, boolean printing)
          Draw the gap decorator.
 void DefaultGapRenderer.draw( gc, TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, TimeBarRow row, i1, i2, drawingArea, boolean printing)
          Draw the gap decorator.
 void GridRenderer.drawRowAfterIntervals( gc, TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, drawingArea, TimeBarRow row, boolean selected, boolean printing)
          Do row painting AFTER intervals are drawn.
 void AbstractGridRenderer.drawRowAfterIntervals( gc, TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, drawingArea, TimeBarRow row, boolean selected, boolean printing)
          Do row painting AFTER intervals are drawn.
 void GridRenderer.drawRowBeforeIntervals( gc, TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, drawingArea, TimeBarRow row, boolean selected, boolean printing)
          Do row painting BEFORE intervals are drawn.
 void AbstractGridRenderer.drawRowBeforeIntervals( gc, TimeBarViewerDelegate delegate, drawingArea, TimeBarRow row, boolean selected, boolean printing)
          Do row painting BEFORE intervals are drawn.
 java.lang.String HeaderRenderer.getToolTipText(TimeBarRow row, drawingArea, int x, int y)
          Retrieve the tooltip for a position inside the header.
 java.lang.String DefaultHeaderRenderer.getToolTipText(TimeBarRow row, drawingArea, int x, int y)
          Retrieve the tooltip for a position inside the header.

Method parameters in de.jaret.util.ui.timebars.swt.renderer with type arguments of type TimeBarRow
protected  org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider DefaultHierarchyRenderer.getLabelProvider(java.lang.Class<? extends TimeBarRow> clazz)
          Retrieve a label provider for a given class.
 void DefaultHierarchyRenderer.registerLabelProvider(java.lang.Class<? extends TimeBarRow> clazz, org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider labelProvider)
          Register a label provider for a class.
protected  void DefaultHierarchyRenderer.setLabelProviderMap(java.util.Map<java.lang.Class<? extends TimeBarRow>,org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider> map)
          Set the complete label provider map (internal use).

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